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Are you struggling to attract the best candidate pool

Are you struggling to attract the best candidate pool?

How many times do you hear from agencies ‘sorry that candidate has now been offered a role’ or ‘the candidate likes the role but is more interested in another opportunity’? In the Part-Qualified and Transactional Finance market, we are experiencing a candidate driven market, which means it is imperative that interview processes are fast to secure the perfect hire. It also eliminates any other competition upsetting the process, which often happens when they are prepared to move quickly.

How can you improve your candidate success rate? 

Move quickly 

I hear so often from clients that the ‘hiring managers’ diary is full’ or ‘we need a comparison despite having no reservations about a candidate’. Make sure your business has the ability to arrange a briefing call with a line manager through to making an offer within just a few weeks. Research often illustrates how businesses lose more candidates because of a long winded 3-stage process, when the competition next door is conducting a thorough 1-stage interview or speedy 2-stage process. 

Trust your recruitment partner

Our job at Investigo is to help advise and consult on how to obtain the best talent in the market – no matter what the level is. Trust that we do our due diligence, we thoroughly know the candidates we are putting forward to jobs. We understand their motivations, salary expectations, desired duties in a role, real reason for leaving and other current interviews. It’s important that we know all the above before putting a candidate forward for an interview and only do so if we truly believe they are right for the role within your business.

Don’t forget to sell your business 

An interview works two ways, it is your opportunity to make sure the candidate can do the job and is right for your business, but it also the candidate’s opportunity to assess whether you are the right employer for them. In a candidate driven market, they essentially hold the power and it’s important to sell your business, making the decision easy to join you. 


Something else to think about is reviews. We live in an era where Technology is at the forefront of our mind. Glassdoor and other review sites are a key motivator for candidates before interviewing. We have had a recent encounter with an attractive brand name that hasn’t been able to hire the calibre of candidates they expect, due to their rating being so low. Investigo have a 4.7/5 rating and makes it very easy to attract the top recruiters in the market due to our core values. This will also help candidates see how other people have found interview processes and give them a better insight into what it could be like working for your business.